In my PowerShell script, which updated the content at my Personal site, became errors. I really don’t know why it stopped working at one moment, but started to debug.

I’ve got a warning, that zip appears to use backslashes as path separators

warning:  /var/www/admin/www/mysite/ appears to use backslashes as path separators

Zip compression is made with PowerShell command Compress-Archive

$compress = @{
  Path = "$($bildDir)\$($dirs[0])", "$($bildDir)\$($dirs[1])", "$($bildDir)\$($dirs[2])"
  CompressionLevel = "Fastest"
  DestinationPath = "$bildDir\"
Compress-Archive @compress -Update

This bug was described at GitHub and the solution is to update ‘Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive’.

Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive -MinimumVersion -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber