I used a TextField component in MUI and wanted to make a label always visible. By default, it hides, when cursor is out (onBlur) and the value is empty. Very strange and not what I wanted to.
(more...)I used a TextField component in MUI and wanted to make a label always visible. By default, it hides, when cursor is out (onBlur) and the value is empty. Very strange and not what I wanted to.
(more...)I used Material UI DataGrid (@mui/x-data-grid": "^7.12.1") in SharePoint spfx webpart solution. Obviously, that wasn’t a good decision, but too much was already done.
(more...)In this post you I will write how to get available options from the SharePoint field 'Choice'. I often use it, and sometimes I need to use it in customizations or reports.
(more...)AutoMapper is a simple little library which allows you to make less code for transforming objects of one class to another. It's a must-have library for any complex project. There is a short scenario in 5 steps how to add and use AutoMapper in a new Net Core project with REST API.
(more...)We have a table in word document and now we need to add new rows from the existing text. The text was copied from the text editor Notepad.
(more...)To pass parameters via Get, it was necessary to assemble a string from the selected Checkbox values. In the project, I used Checkbox from Fluent UI, but the approach is similar for another component. Actually, this is not even about React, but about TypeScript.
(more...)As it turned out, FluentUI DatePicker for React doesn't contain a built-in German localization. If you need one, you can use my version.
(more...)There's a small snippet to check if current user permissions are enough to save list items. It can be used in SPFX webparts with PNP JS.
(more...)When you work with common modern React application (React > 16) and webpack, it's easy to create .env files and use them in the project. But if you work SPFX solution, which uses GULP, it's a big mess. That's why I decided to describe the sequence of steps how to use different environments in SPFX solutions.
(more...)Below you can find a small snippet to calculate the difference between 2 times in string format in TypeScript. If you use JavaScript, remove the types.