Get only non-repeated items in generic collection List

There is a rather pretty solution how to get all the items from one generic collection (List<T>) which are not presented in the second one.
You can use simply the syntax like this:
IEnumerable<MyFile> res = list1.Except(list2);
In the example below I wanted to get the list of different files in two directories. This code returns filenames from the directory "dir1" which are not presented in "dir2".
string dir1 = @"C:\DataFolder\Foto\XonyXperia\"; string dir2 = @"C:\DataFolder\Foto\2014 Spain\"; List<MyFile> list1 = selectFiles(dir1); List<MyFile> list2 = selectFiles(dir2); IEnumerable<MyFile> res = list1.Except(list2); myDataGrid.ItemsSource = res;