
C#. Add new line symbol to string

Each time I forget how to add new line symbol to string. I decided to add to memories. Below how to add new line symbol to string in C#.

string message = Label1.Text;
message = message.Replace("<br />", System.Environment.NewLine);



Add hyperlink to GridView programmatically

GridView is a powerful and easy in use tool in Asp.net, especially if you know how to use it. There are a lot of tutorials how to add dynamic hyperlink column to GridView not programmatically, but this tutorial is about how to add hyperlink to GridView programmatically (in code-behind). (read more...)

3 methods of parsing XML in C#

C# and .Net are rich in methods to complete the task. With each new version we have new classes and methods. Reading and parsing XML is not an exclusion. Below I’ll tell you about 3 methods for reading XML-data in C#. (read more...)

Visual Studio shortcut keys

I found a great collection of Visual Studio shortcuts. While coding I often comment some lines of code.  Using shortcuts it's even more easy. It's not a common combination - select lines to comment and press Ctrl + K then Ctrl + C, to uncomment  - Ctrl + K then Ctrl + U. (read more...)

MarkiMarta.com. Notes of web-specialist
Since 2009