
Get data and stats about files in document libraries in SharePoint site from SQL Server

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Information about files in document libraries is strored in the table "AllDocs" of Site's content database. Of course, Microsoft doesn't allow to make queries to SharePoint databases directly. But I can't but agree with inserts and updates are not allowed, but select query in the worst case will make just some locks in database. So I guess that in some cases it's much better to execute select query than powershell script.

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Migrate managed metadata to new SharePoint farm. Fix cannot bulk load error

Managed metadata is very good and powerful tool in SharePoint. But it has some not very comfortable specialties during migration data from one farm to another, for example, from test environment to productive. You can export your managed metadata from one site and import it into another one. But here's the problem that each termset and term has its own GUID. After you import managed data into the new farm, new GUID’s will be assigned to managed data items.

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Enable and disable SharePoint alerts via PowerShell

For a massive update of a SharePoint list items I didn't want users, who subscribed for alerts about changes in the SharePoint list, got the messages about it. There were 2 ways to do it: 1 - temporary to disable SMTP server (change SMTP settings to wrong ones) and delete files from Queue folder after; 2 – temporary to disable alerts for a list. This story is about the second way.

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