How to Shrink Your MS SQL Database Log File

Transaction Log is a weak place in SQL server for HDD, especially if it’s a test area and you don’t make every day back up of your databases. While creating back up transaction logs are shrinking.
To shrink transaction logs in Microsoft SQL Database is a task you have to execute from time to time. To truncate transaction log you should have Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio according to your version of SQL server.
The steps are:
1. Log into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
2. Select your database and right click on it.
3. Select Properties.
4. Click on Options. Change the recovery model to Simple. Click OK.
5. Right click on the database. Select Tasks > Shrink > Database. Click OK.
6. Right click on the database. Select Properties. Click on Options.
7. Change the recovery model to Full. Click OK.
[…] В табличке смотрим, кто разросся и, например, Shrink’аем log-файл, если Recovery Model установлена Full (How to Shrink Your MS SQL Database Log File) […]
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