The commandlet 'Get-ChildItem' will give you all the default information about the folders inside. By default they are: Mode, LastWriteTime, Length (for files) and Name.
Get-ChildItem c:\Path
(read more...)The commandlet 'Get-ChildItem' will give you all the default information about the folders inside. By default they are: Mode, LastWriteTime, Length (for files) and Name.
Get-ChildItem c:\Path
(read more...)To exclude folders, files or file extensions in scanning by Windows Defender, you can use PowerShell. It’s recommended to use by administrators. With this PowerShell script (command) you can easily set exclusion for the Windows Defender. It is useful sometime and help to improve the performance.
(read more...)When I tried to execute http-server from nodejs (with command 'http-server –o'), I had got the error. The solution requires to update execution policy.
After installation several Windows updates on servers with SharePoint I had started to recieve the warnings "The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered.". It means that I can not use PowerShell for administration SharePoint.
Today in a test SharePoint environment I found that I don't have one of SharePoint features which I have in the productive environment. I reinstalled the solution with this feature several times, but it hadn't appeared.
(read more...)To flush blob cache on SharePoint servers you should execute a PowerShell script on each front end server. Blob cache is set on each front-end server in a farm, that is why you have to do this way.
(read more...)It is a very common task to truncate log files. You don't notice them and they reach the limit size always not in the appropriate time. And when this moment occurs, it's much better to have a quick solution to decrease the size of log files. But even much better to clean logs automatically on the schedule.
(read more...)You cannot move SharePoint wiki library from one SPWeb to another even inside the same site collection through web interface. Also you have no opportunity to save wili library as a template with data. The only solution is to move SharePoint wiki library with PowerShell.
Sometimes you need to make some not common things with data in SharePoint site. Today one girl asked me if I can modify date of creation or modification date of a file in document library. Of course, there can be other cases, for example, you need to save creation date information for data in migration process.
SPWeb object has 2 different properties for work with groups. There are Grops and SiteGroups. Inspite of the fact that they look very similar, they are different.