XRDP window is closing after authorization with Debian 11. Fixed

I read a lot about how to connect to Linux desktop from Windows RDP. Each description is simple- install XRDP and that’s it. Ok, not only XRDP, but XORG also.

    # Install new packages
    sudo apt-get install xrdp xorg

So after that I expected to have an opportunity to use Remote desktop. But something went wrong. Instead after successful login my windows has been closed immediately. I thought that it’s because this user has already been authorized and tried to use another account, but the problem has not been fixed.

Only after several hours of researches I found a solution. You should add your xrdp user to ssl-cert group and reboot.

So, the full script is this one:

    # Install new packages
    sudo apt-get install xrdp xorg
    # Add xrdp user to ssl-cert group and reboot
    sudo adduser xrdp ssl-cert
    sudo reboot

1 Comment »

  1. […] подключил к нему внешнюю, благодаря чему через XRDP мог смотреть, что происходит дома. Но хотелось иметь […]

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