Rest API examples - how to work retrieving list items from SharePoint with ContentType

The queries to get all the list items, get list items with specific field values, get list items by ContentType Name. The most of the time I spend with the last one.
Get all the list items information and add it's ContentType:
Get all the list items information and add it's ContentType:'BookingObjects')/items?$select=Title,Id,ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType
Get the list items and information about it's ContentType where Title == 'Hall 1''BookingObjects')/items?$select=Title,Id,ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType&$filter=Title%20eq%20%27Hall%201%27
Get the list items with specific ContentType by Name (filter by ContentType name):'BookingObjects')/items?$select=Title,Id,ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType&$filter=ContentType%20eq%20%27ConferenceRoom%27
Get the list items with multiple specific ContentTypes by Name (filter by ContentType name - where ContentType eq 'ConferenceRoom' or eq 'Equipment'):'BookingObjects')/items?$select=Title,Id,ContentType/Name&$expand=ContentType&$filter=ContentType%20eq%20%27ConferenceRoom%27 or ContentType%20eq%20%27Equipment%27
For pnpjs the code is something like this:
const res: any = await this._sp.web.lists.getByTitle('BookingObjects')'Id', 'Title', 'ContentType/Name').expand('ContentType').filter(`ContentType eq 'ConferenceRoom' or ContentType eq 'Equipment'`)();
Rest API request to determine if the time interval is free among the reservations for the booked item:'Reservation Events')/Items?$filter=((StartDate ge datetime'2023-07-13T10:00:00Z') and (EndDate le datetime'2023-07-20T14:00:00Z') and (StartDate ge datetime'2023-07-13T12:00:00Z') and (EndDate le datetime'2023-07-20T14:00:00Z')) and (BookObjectId eq 3)
Get all the items from the specific folder in SharePoint doclib
fetch("'VoteLib/Team1')?$select=Name&$expand=Folders,Files", {headers:{'Accept':'application/json'}})
PNPJs query to get all the folders at the top level
sp.web.lists.getByTitle(this._objectList).rootFolder.folders()).filter( x=>x.Name !== 'Forms')
PNPJS query how to retrieve the items by the Author in SharePoint List. As a name I use Email
await this._sp.web.lists.getByTitle(this._voteList)'Id', 'Title', 'Author/EMail', 'Author/Title').expand("Author").filter((Author/EMail eq '${userLogin}')
or REST API query to retrieve the items by the Author in SharePoint List'Votes')/items?$select=Title,Id,Author/EMail&$expand=Author