This is an manual how to work with arrays in PowerShell - how to create them, fill and read.

You can initialize array this way:

$ids  = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList


Creating Arrays

To create an Array just separate the elements with commas.

Create an array named $myArray containing elements with a mix of data types:

$myArray = 1,"Hello",3.5,"World"

or using explicit syntax:

$myArray = @(1,"Hello",3.5,"World")


Split the values back into individual variables:


Create an array incremental integer numeric (int) values:

$myArray = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

or using the range operator (..):

$myArray = (1..7)

or strongly typed:

[int[]] $myArray = 12,64,8,64,12


Create an empty array:

$myArray = @()


Create an array with a single string element:

$myArray = @("Hello World")


Create a Multi-dimensional array (two dimensional):

$myMultiArray = @(

Add values to array


$myArray.Add('new item')


Reading array

Return all the elements in an array:

Return the first element in an array:

Return the fifth element in an array:

Return the 5th element through to the 10th element in an array:

Return the last element in an array:

Return the first element from the first row in a multi-dimensional array: