Fig.1. Create external tool for Visual Studio to get assembly strong name

When I was developing a web service for SharePoint 2010 I had to fill in "assembly strong name" in .asmx file. Below I repost a very nice method how to get an "assembly strong name" in Visual Studio.

1. In Visual Studio, go to Tools –> External Tools.

2. Click on "Add" to add a tool, and put in the following values:

3. Fill Title: Assembly Strong Name

4. Fill Command: Powershell.exe

5. Fill Arguments: -command "[System.Reflection.AssemblyName]::GetAssemblyName(\"$(TargetPath)\").FullName"

6. Check "Use Output Window" and uncheck everything else (Fig.1)

Fig.1. Create external tool for Visual Studio to get assembly strong name

Fig.1. Create external tool for Visual Studio to get assembly strong name

Then go to Tools -> Assembly Strong Name and in Output window you will see the assembly strong name (Fig.2):

ContactManagerWebApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Fig.2. Result of Assembly Strong Name in Output window

Fig.2. Result of Assembly Strong Name in Output window