
CsvHelper is a very good library for reading and writing CSV files. It’s really easy for coding and fast for work. You can install it via Nuget in Visual studio or download from the project page in GitHub https://github.com/JoshClose/CsvHelper

To install CsvHelper, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package CsvHelper

Or you can install CsvHelper via Nuget:

Add CsvHelper to project

Add CsvHelper to project

Below I pull down a snippet of reading CSV file to generic collection List<StrItem>. Full documentation is published here: http://joshclose.github.io/CsvHelper/


public class StrItem
    public string filepath { get; set; }
    public string theme { get; set; }
    public string filename { get; set; }

    public class CSVRepository

        public sealed class StrItemClassMap : CsvClassMap<StrItem>
            public StrItemClassMap()
                Map(m => m.filepath).TypeConverterOption(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                Map(m => m.theme).TypeConverterOption(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                Map(m => m.filename).TypeConverterOption(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        public List<StrItem> Repository()
            List<StrItem> records = new List<StrItem>();
            string sourceFile = "D:\\Data\\csvfile.csv";
            using (TextReader fileReader = File.OpenText(sourceFile))
                var csv = new CsvReader(fileReader);
                csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = false;
                csv.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
                csv.Configuration.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                csv.Configuration.TrimFields = true;

                csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap(new StrItemClassMap());
                records = csv.GetRecords<StrItem>().ToList<StrItem>();
            return records;
