
JavaScript function EnableDisableChekboxes to set constraint of maximum allowed quantity checked checkboxes

There's a common constraint in votes or surveys like "choose no more than 3 items". And it's not a good idead to allow user control the checked items quantity. You can easily set constraint to a quantity of checked checkbox items with JavaScript and jQuery. You can just disable unchecked checkbox items if user checked maximum quantity and enables items again in case of unchecking.

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Console.log() function stops JavaScript executing in Internet Explorer 10

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Strange behavior of console.log() I have noticed when I created a JS code for SharePoint page. My code used jQuery and SPServices library. The code used to get items from a list and render options for "select" control.

Below I post a part of my function which fills a JS array and renders options for "select" control.

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Migrate managed metadata to new SharePoint farm. Fix cannot bulk load error

Managed metadata is very good and powerful tool in SharePoint. But it has some not very comfortable specialties during migration data from one farm to another, for example, from test environment to productive. You can export your managed metadata from one site and import it into another one. But here's the problem that each termset and term has its own GUID. After you import managed data into the new farm, new GUID’s will be assigned to managed data items.

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