There are at least 2 ways to find physical path of shared folder in Windows (server or client OS – not important) – from command line console or from Snap-In "Shared Folders" in MMC.
There are at least 2 ways to find physical path of shared folder in Windows (server or client OS – not important) – from command line console or from Snap-In "Shared Folders" in MMC.
In PowerShell you can use a lot of modules and classes of your machine. Built-in system class "System.Environment" allows you to get a lot of useful information about your machine. Its syntax is like this [System.Environment]::class_property or [System.Environment]::class_method.
If you need to know whether file is, you should use "Test-Path" cmdlet in PowerShell. It returns "True" if the file or directory exists and returns "False" in other case. (read more...)
PowerShell is a very flexible tool for Windows and Windows-software administrators. You can do a lot of things with it. Sometimes you start to think of how to execute powershell scripts from Task Scheduler. It’s not enough just to add a PS-file in scheduler, you need to do something more. (read more...)
If you are an administrator of several servers, I don’t think you want to execute PowerShell script on each server manually, especially if you have 20 or more servers. Since PowerShell 2.0 you can execute commands on remote computers using PowerShell via WinRM (Windows Remote Management) service. (read more...)
The PowerShell script below extracts one file from zip-archive which contains several files. I use code like this to get files with financial references from zip-archives and update SharePoint lists from them. So there's a lot of things where this sctipt can be used. (read more...)
According to one of Windows 8 interface developers Jacob Miller, metro-interface was made not for advanced users but for housewives who use PC only to set "Like" in popular social network. But advanced users don’t think the same as Jacob. (read more...)
No so long ago I decided to create FTP site for my home local area network. I wanted to read and write files not via file sharing but via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). I had Windows 8 Home Edition on my PC. So this PC became server for my FTP site. (read more...)
When I first started Putty on my Windows 8.1 x64, connected to my server and ran Midnight Commander, I saw picture like this (see drawing 1). Instead of separating lines there were unreadable characters. It wasn't what I expected to see and the first thing came in my mind is to fix it. (read more...)
Once I need to install more memory on my server. The server was installed long ago and nobody knows what memory is installed there and whether there are free slots for memory. (read more...)