The code of the React component to scroll DIV content by axe X. It can be useful when you have a wide table and a narrow screen. Or a designer had a very cool idea of the interface.

The table looks like this

For the implementation I use 'useRef' of React.

export const SlideTable = () => {
  const gridRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const handleClick = (position: string) => () => {
    if (gridRef.current) {
      const t = gridRef.current
      if (t !== null) {
        const currentScrollX = t.scrollLeft
        if (position.toLowerCase() === 'left') {
          t.scrollTo({ left: currentScrollX - 150 })
        if (position.toLowerCase() === 'right') {
          t.scrollTo({ left: currentScrollX + 150 })

  return (
    <div style={{ paddingLeft: '200px'}}>
      <button onClick={handleClick('left')}
        style={{ border: '#000 1px solid' }}>&lt;</button>
        style={{ border: '#000 1px solid' }}>&gt;</button>

      <div ref={gridRef} style={{ width: '300px', overflowX: 'hidden', position: 'relative', overflowY: 'hidden' }}>
        <div className={styles.answerContainer}  >
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>a</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>b</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.passed}`}>c</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>d</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.pending}`}>e</div>
        <div className={styles.answerContainer}  >
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>a</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>b</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.passed}`}>c</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>d</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.pending}`}>e</div>
        <div className={styles.answerContainer}  >
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>a</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>b</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.passed}`}>c</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${}`}>d</div>
          <div className={`${styles.answerblock} ${styles.pending}`}>e</div>