
Nice way to store Connection strings for external databases in Secure Store SharePoint 2019

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How to store credentials? It’s always a question because nobody wants to demonstrate the passwords, neither for the databases, nor for web services or anything else. SharePoint has a built-in tool to store a sensitive data – technical user accounts, databases or any data like this.  Here is how to create variables in the secure store.

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Determine with C# if a user exists in the SharePoint group or in the included AD Group

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Class to determine if a user is in the SharePoint group or is in the AD Group, which is added to the SharePoint group. So, the admin access to a custom SharePoint module is that everybody, who exists in the admin group, has more data. The admin group is a SharePoint group, which contains SPUsers (from domain) and Domain groups, which contain AD Users. Actual for SharePoint 2016, 2019.

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How to return custom date format with localization in TypeScript / JavaScript

Obviously, true developers prefer to return the date in a digital format, for example, '24.01.2024', '24-01-2024' and various combinations of this. But customers often want to work with human dates. In this post you can find how to return the custom localized date and how to use it with a Fluent-UI component DatePicker.

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Fix the error for SPFX development 'Access to XMLHttpRequest at ... from origin ... has been blocked by CORS policy'

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While the development SPFX for SharePoint 2019 once the loading of the webpart at 'workbench.aspx' page stopped. SharePoint server is installed at my virtual machine, the development of SPFX is local. At first I totally could not understand what's wrong. But soon started to look for the reason.

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8 steps to add SVC service to SharePoint on-premises solution programmatically

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When you make a SharePoint 2019 on-premises solution, you can make not only SPFX solutions, but also old-school WSP-solutions. It allows you not only to use SharePoint API, but also to use your own API services. With SharePoint 2019 you can use WCF service. For example, it’s a good way when you develop an application which uses the external database. This works also for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016.

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