It's an extremely nice article about how to implement the Role-based Authorization in Net Core Web API. I won't copy it here because it's written to good. Maybe I will publish to Git a template app later, but now just save for future.
(more...)It's an extremely nice article about how to implement the Role-based Authorization in Net Core Web API. I won't copy it here because it's written to good. Maybe I will publish to Git a template app later, but now just save for future.
(more...)Below you can find a PowerShell script to copy items from one SharePoint list at one site to another SharePoint list in another site. I use it with several modifications to work with the data in test environments.
(more...)I parsed the CSV file. The lines are separated by '\r\n'. If in Flow you use split(text, '\r\n'), it doesn't work as you'd like to. Instead use function decideUriComponent and respective values: \r - %0D, \n - %0A
(more...)In the developer database (MS SQL Server) I had a field, in which all the values were the same. The value was "OldDoc.txt". I wanted to make values unique and for this I wanted to add "ID" before ".txt".
(more...)When I executed Update-SPSolution command in PowerShell to update one of WSP-solutions, I got the error, that 'LOG_BACKUP' is full "Update-SPSolution : Das Transaktionsprotokoll für die 'SP19_Config'-Datenbank ist aufgrund von 'LOG_BACKUP' voll". In English versions of SharePoint the text of the error can be like this "The transaction log for database ‘SP19_Config’ is full due to LOG_BACKUP".
(more...)There are 2 languages in PowerBI - M and DAX. M is for data loading and DAX is for further data transformation.
(more...)If you want to make a string of values in Power BI, you can use the formula like this. It will join all the values, which correspond to the condition, in one line.
(more...)I had a SharePoint online list and I added a new column into it. And then I wanted to work with a data, which is close to be real. So I needed to generate the data and insert it into the list. For the tasks like this I like to use division by module to create semi-random data.
(more...)Linux 'netstat' command finds out which process is listing upon a port. Obviously, you usually need it when something doesn't allow to start/restart an application or docker.
(more...)How to store credentials? It’s always a question because nobody wants to demonstrate the passwords, neither for the databases, nor for web services or anything else. SharePoint has a built-in tool to store a sensitive data – technical user accounts, databases or any data like this. Here is how to create variables in the secure store.