The implementation of the buttons with Horisontal Scroll action for Material UI DataGrid

Material UI

If you use a Pro version of Material UI, then you have a tool, how to switch the cells in the DataGrid table. But if you work with a wide table and you just want to make it more comfortable to work with it, there are some tricks for that. The first thing is to 'freeze' the header, so user can collate the column and headers. All the Excel users like this function. And the second thing is to allow user scroll the page if he has a small resolution and he doesn't have touch screen.


Translate to German Error messages from Microsoft. AspNetCore. Identity. EntityFrameworkCore

In one Web Api Net Core solition I used Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore for Authentication. It’s really comfortable to work with this package because you a free from the implementation of all the methods and don’t spare much time. It also returns the text of errors, for example, that password is to short or special character is required. For me everything was ok, but the customer wanted to see the text in German.


Fix the error Transaction log for database ‘SP19_Config’ is full due to LOG_BACKUP

SharePoint 2016 Logo

When I executed Update-SPSolution command in PowerShell  to update  one of WSP-solutions, I got the error, that 'LOG_BACKUP' is full "Update-SPSolution : Das Transaktionsprotokoll für die 'SP19_Config'-Datenbank ist aufgrund von 'LOG_BACKUP' voll". In English versions of SharePoint the text of the error can be like this "The transaction log for database ‘SP19_Config’ is full due to LOG_BACKUP".

(more...) Notes of web-specialist
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